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Volunteer Opportunities


Turn your passion for ceramics into community service! Paseo Pottery donates all net profits from Pottery Throw Downs to local charities. We couldn’t do it without our dedicated team of volunteers. In exchange for working as a studio assistant or teacher, volunteers receive a free membership, a discount on classes, 24-hour access to the studio, and additional perks such as free firing/studio time for 16+ hours works per month. We prioritize artists with prior ceramics experience but are open to volunteers of all skill levels.


We hold New Volunteer Orientations on the First Tuesday of every Month. Sign up below!


Ways to get involved…


Studio Assistant

Assistants are the backbone of the studio and are trained in all aspects related to running a studio—loading kilns, running the gallery, cleaning, pugging clay, mixing glazes, etc. Assistants receive a free membership, a discount on classes and 24 hour studio access.


Share your knowledge with others! Teach six week pottery classes, one-time experiences, or both. Teachers receive all Studio Assistant perks + sell their work in our gallery.

Resident Artist

Seasonal positions are available to artists who want to make a larger commitment to the studio. Residents design and complete a personal project and commit to 8+ hours/week of volunteering and teaching.